Russian Banya in Winter

Have you ever seen people swimming? It’s not that surprising. Have you seen people «swimming» in snow? That’s what my new YouTube video is about!

Russians, as well as Finns and other northern nations, love to take a steam bath. Whether it’s +20°C or -40°C outside, it’s always a perfect time for banya (Russian sauna).

First time I tried banya was 12 years ago and since that time I’m waiting for winter to come as a little girl. This winter I indulged in steaming in Russian banya and wallow in snow and douse in ice water later!

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Watch the video and let me know in the comments below / likes your reaction and if you’d dare to do the same!

Carnival around the world: Russia, Colombia, Brazil. How to prepare.

After the New Year celebration, the world is waiting for something to celebrate… And incredible February brings lots of carnivals around the world to celebrate life! Planning to join one or curious how it goes? Check out how to get prepared!  Читать далее «Carnival around the world: Russia, Colombia, Brazil. How to prepare.»

Half a year later of How it feels to be back to your country

After going back and being back to my country, I still have something to share with you guys. It has been half a year since I’m back to Russia after my long trip. It still feels like a part of a journey.  Читать далее «Half a year later of How it feels to be back to your country»

Russian winter YouTube video: skiing in a forest

It’s winter time over here and most of people think that Russians don’t leave their houses and stop their life during intensely cold weather. Actually it’s the opposite! Читать далее «Russian winter YouTube video: skiing in a forest»

Long story short: What travelling has taught me

I was away from home for about two years, was not only travelling, but living abroad. It was time full of wonderful discoveries, great moments and priceless experience. I still feel blessed it happened to me.

Читать далее «Long story short: What travelling has taught me»

How it feels to be back to your country

I continue my “coming back to your country” series of posts. Earlier you could have already read my “How it feels to go back to your country”, and got an idea how the process of moving goes.

UPD: Half a year later. How does it still feel?

And with this I’m opening a new section of my Rush Away Blog about Russia. Currently I’m here and on my Instagram gallery you can see photos of Russia and some tips, historical facts, Russian nature.

Time passes and I’m finally here, in Russia, already for a week. It was a really shocking week, full of great time with friends, exploring again my own culture and noticing tones of differences between Russia and Latin America, mainly Colombia. I have a lot to say, but will try to be short and specific.

P1310480 - копия.JPG Читать далее «How it feels to be back to your country»

How it feels to go back to your country

Going back home after 2 years of living on another continent, not speaking your language and being accustomed to another culture is a deal. I’ve lived so much here! In several hours I’ll have my flight to Russia and it’s just unbelievable. Yep, can’t imagine it can happen.

UPD: I’m already in Russia and here’s my «How it feels to be back to your country» post.

UPD 2: Half a year later.

Well, I believe I’ve changed a lot, but only several weeks ago Skypeing my Moscow friends I realized I had no idea how to live there.

With this I’m opening a new section of my Rush Away Blog about Russia. Currently I’m here and on my Instagram gallery you can see photos of Russia and some tips, historical facts, Russian nature.

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Читать далее «How it feels to go back to your country»